
120 Game Reviews

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I hope you can use the money to buy new arms or sew them back on. That’s sound tolly unrelistc, but in a game where a fucking dumb ass, risk losing both theyer fucking arms is just as real? I need my hands to jack off!

I thought this was about you coming out as a trans woman, I guess that’s later. But the main point is, this is depressing, which means you did a really good job. And I also like that it does get better, which means there is hope. And I do hope your parents still accept you as their child again.

I love games that make you feel like you're going on a real adventure.


One of the best Madness games of all time. Probably better than PNC but not PN2.
It really makes you feel like you're in a Madness movie, but I didn't even know this was Madness Combat 7, because I didn't get to that part yet. But now I did.

This game would be more enjoyable if it had health packs. Because the max health power-up is kind of useless.

IceCreamer89 responds:

Thanks for feedback!
You can fill up health with a heart item, which you can find at some point. The combo gives you a better chance of finding it.

Really great game. This should have gotten front page.

One day, I saw a dead bird on the side of the road. I couldn't find a stick, so I just grabs some pebbles and softly flicked at it. Then I found a stick. I pocked at it and scream. It didn’t move, but I still scream. I pick at it some more and record myself of me doing it. Back home, I show my mom the photo of the dead bird and laughed. But she didn’t think it was funny. It was a good thing I didn't show her the video. I'm saving that for a girl I like. Why am I talking about this? Well, there’s a metal that’s called Brutal and it says something about the thing I just did. This other time a long time ago back in high school, I took photos of a road kill raccoon and a woman called me a sicko. I should poke dead animals with sticks more often.
Anyways, this is one of the greatest flash games in history. And also, this is something every school shooting needs… A HERO. But it’s better if they never happen. Thanks for making everyone's childhood kick ass.

This game made me feel like a badass back when I was a kid. Probably because this was one of the rare games I could beat.

I love the designs of the robots and the way it's so satisfying to shoot them in the head.

Hi, I'm NoobClock666. I'm a mother fucker. I make my own stop motion puppets and drawings to fuck, shit up and stuff on the internet for the fun of it.
And Chikn Nuggit fucking sucks!

Age 21, Male

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