
120 Game Reviews

37 w/ Responses

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This is just a really fun game. I love that the graphics are real life photographs of toys. I enjoy the movements and the gameplay changing is a really cool idea that some games should do. But my beef with this game is that the controls are not really good. You have to use the mouse on the side of the left screen only and sometimes the mouse cursor gets too far away and you lose control of your car. And sometimes you just lose control of your car for no reason. I think this game was meant for mobile use, but it should also work on desktop too. So maybe let players use the keyboard.

EDITED 12/20/2023
I can use the keyboard now? Thank you!

My score was 830 until I stopped. Still a fun game.

ThePeterson responds:

welp, you can use the keyboard to play instead :3

... This is better than Fat Fish Aquarium.

Sweet game. The girl in this is very cute. But maybe I should clean my room too.

12/22/2024 edited:

I clicked out of the screen and everything was kind of gray for some reason. But I got a score of 100 so that's cool. Kepp of the good work.

ThatOneGuy9623 responds:

You were highlighting the game screen, as if you were highlighting some text. Also I will kepp up the good work. (/s)

This is going to be stupid, but this game is vary personnel to me. Working in a pizza job was my first ever job and I feel a lot of joy in this. I miss that. Also, riding a bike and delivering pizza looks cool.

Xinxinix responds:

You're an incredible person and I'm glad Benny's game's silliness resonates with you on a personal level, because we definitely had fun coming together to make it ^^;

plufmot responds:

I'm so glad <3

Your only weapon is also one of the only ways you can see the ghost? Also the battry of the flashligh dies if you use it for too long? GREAT GAMEPLAY! And the art is cute too.
Also, I got 102.

FodderLabs responds:

Thanks for playing the game!

And happy to hear about the mechanics being discussed!

The game was originally made for a game jam, with the theme being "Light and Darkness", with the limit being 1-bit.

Originally, I was going to have ALL of the enemies only be seen through the flashlight's view, but when testing, it was very frustrating and not fun.

So just the ghosts are the ones that can be seen when pointing the flashlight at them.

I have many more ideas for the game.

Maybe I will save it for a sequel/ spin-off. ;D

And great! With some practice, you can get that 250+ score for the achievement! :D

Good luck!

It's not really what I expected from a Superhero comic, but it's still cool.

KittyhawkMontrose responds:

Thanks! It's gonna be a fun ride, and I hope you'll come along.

I’m sorry, but this is just really boring. It’s just a comic about nothing and I don’t like it.
I like comics about superheroes or Psychopaths with guns. Did you make this comic to be boring so people would use your comic program to make something better? If yes, then you succeeded.
I look forward to more comics.

KittyhawkMontrose responds:

I like the responses this comic gets. Thanks for reading!

Why am I getting so many notifications? Oh, This. But wow, a lot of people like this. So many cute spiders. Wait, why is Halloween in the tags!? BE PATIENT!
But still, I'm so glad to be a part of this and I hope I can be a part of more games.

PachkaNG responds:

NO! If they’re already selling Halloween shiz, ITS HALLOWEEN!

Thetageist responds:

You fool, it's always Halloween! }:D

Hi, I'm NoobClock666. I'm a mother fucker. I make my own stop motion puppets and drawings to fuck, shit up and stuff on the internet for the fun of it.
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