
120 Game Reviews

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Anyone who keeps someone like Jonney alive is a fucking cunt with a fuck nugget kink that needs to get their ass kicked. Those fucking monsters. Those sick monsters.
SPILOER! He doesn't die, so there's no point in reading the book about a fuck nugget that needs to die. It makes me sick that he doesn't die.

This is such a cute and fun puzzle game. I loved the first game too. Sorry about what I said about Losing Sense.
swagmaster756 is really good at making music... plz let them know that I'm willing to pay to down load the music, it's good.

The biggest retro game ever made. A true work of gaming art.

Why more easy to understand then Minesweeper. But maybe make the movement faster.

What's the point of a screen tutorial if it will get you killed?
Fun game, BTW.

Wow, this Madness Hotline Miami fan game is fun.
SO THE LOVE OF KONAMI! DON'T REMOVE THIS! Look, if I had a nickel every time a Madness Hotline Miami fan game gets removed from NG, I would get two nickels. That's not a lot, but it's weird it happened twice.
Plz, don't remove this.
I want to get into Hotline Miami too. So what should I do? BUY THE GAME???... Well, I did, but it's a steam game, and you know how steam games work. You buy them and play them if you're lucky, but you go back to playing TF2 and PN2.

I have real feedback that will help you improve pixel art. I’m not trying to be a hater, but I will be honest. Very honest.
In my opinion, they look bad. You've been making the same sprites for years. The same body shape. The same pose and movement. Your art gifs are no better than NFT art with how many they are and how fast it’s to make. You might feel offended by what I said, and I’m sorry. But it’s true. This does look like NFT stuff.
Or even that artist on this website that uses the same pose but redraws it over and over. They blocked me because I told them that they should improve and draw something new. They’re art and how they take criticism is like how a Devintart user would react… oh right.
Your Pixel art is bad. And the animation just feels so lifeless. Also, the paper puppet thing you did… Looks fine. At least it’s something new and not that Megaman sprite.
SO HERE IS HOW YOU IMPROVE. If you want to make pixel art better, then just look up YouTube videos. Take the time to watch them and study. The key is not drawing, but sculpturing and or paper cut-out. Also colors. I’m sure you can improve if you try.
So yeah, I loved Subspace Emissary because it was the only good and real story mode before Masahiro Sakurai became a little bitch and stop doing something cool like that again. After all, “the cutscenes were uploaded on youtube”, bitch, every video game ever made has the cutscene upload on youtube. This is nothing special. Also, people will still play the game if it’s fun. And if he finds out that people pirate his games, then is he gonna stop making good video games again? It’s nice to see all this art for love of this story mode.
So I gave this 5 stars because it seems @53xy83457 did something new and it was not something he paid someone else to make. I do not hate @53xy83457, I just hate the Megaman sprites.
AND FOR THE LOVE OF KONAMI, PLZ DONT BAN ME FROM MAKING REVIEWS. I'll deal with this review if you ask. Just ask and do not report me.

ShockAbe responds:

The TL;DR of this would be "I do not like 53xy83457's pixel art."

Chdonga responds:

Bro you gotta hop off 53xy83457's shaftola man. I can't have two NG artists who I really vibe with beefing with each other. Please

DALAP responds:

How about you review the game instead of a featured artist.

ElRandomGMD responds:

Dude, what @53xy83457 has done for you?
He killed your Grandma, or burned your house?

I think you need to talk with @53xy83457 with PM.

MudHutGrug responds:

Far out, this guy hates, HATES! 53xy83457.

I never liked typing games as a kid. Mostly because I didn't know how to read or right.
This game was great and funny as hell with the piss.

Way more fun the "GETTING OVER IT".

I need my ears, hands, and eyes to play video games and read comic books, watch porn, or do anything in life without help... Nose, I don't really use that much.
So If I ever lose them, I WOULD HAVE TO KILL MYSELF. I'm not even joking, I would do it. But I won't because I can see, hear, and use my hands to play this game.

The twist makes everything you just played, pointless. Good thing I used the walkthrough. It's better to just end it all then live in suffering. I mean, what kind of life where you need someone to wipe your own ass.
Sorry for being rude. I just hate the idea of losing body parts, where you can’t really do anything. It’s scary to me. But for some stupid reason, I play Lisa the Painful and Fear and Hunger because of that. People who live like that are strong. I’m not making fun of them. But not me. I’m super grateful for having all my parts, minus some things in the brain.
I still love “Help Me Clean My Room!”. I would love to download the song. I’ll even pay for it.

Hi, I'm NoobClock666. I'm a mother fucker. I make my own stop motion puppets and drawings to fuck, shit up and stuff on the internet for the fun of it.
And Chikn Nuggit fucking sucks!

Age 21, Male

DUMBASS University

Your moms house.

Joined on 1/4/18

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