
102 Game Reviews

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I still don't know or care what I'm doing, Also AI Sonic art.

ZabuJard responds:

use left or right mouse butons to hit the number that is in RED, then hit the BUTTON to go to next number of safe. its not hard to figure out

This game is unbeatable. When Ash breaks through the wall, there is no way to get past him. You can’t jump over him or anything. And why did you make the screen so big? It should not be this big. AIso, i have a big prvideoswith you're vidoes.
OKAY! OKAY! WE GET IT! YOU FUCKING HATE POKEMON! The game sucks, the anime sucks and anyone that likes them is a butch of morons! It's the same joke every time with you!
But, can I blame you? When was the last good Pokemon game you played? A decade ago? All your animations are about the Gen 1 to 3 Pokemon games. The newer games are not better but maybe try th.m?
And let's talk about the anime. Ash is an immortal 10-year-old and a fucking Retard with a level 1 Pikachu, but he always wins because he's the main character and bad writing! His goal is to catch all the Pokemon and be the Pokemon champion, but after years and years, it doesn't happen. He never grows and improves. He's the same person for the whole show by it going on for way too long with the same bullshit over and over.
Here is what Geoffrey Barans said in a Quora post.
"Therein lies the problem with anime keeping Ash as the main character. As you can infer, Ash was not allowed to show any signs of growth or maturity as a Pokemon trainer. It was mandated that he had to be the young inexperienced hero so kids could identify with him. This also meant that Ash was not allowed to win in Pokemon Leagues, aside from the most recent season."
SO WHAT'S THE POINT IN WATCHING THIS DOG SHIT, AND WHY DID IT LAST SO LONG!!!??? Because it's for kids? Well due, to kids like Call of Duty.
Pokemon Origins lasted 4 episodes, but those 4 episodes were better than more than 1,200 episodes of the main anime.
If you hate Pokemon games so much, play fucking Palworld. Most of the ex-fans are doing it. And if you hate the anime so much, watch those "Pokemon clones" animes, that are ironically better with good characters, good writing, and an ending.
I don’t even like Pokemon that much despise growing up with it and even I’m annoyed! You might say you "like" Pokemon with your jokes, but I don't.

And you're having that same problem with video game humor with "what if game was realistic and everyone was an asshole?" Dude, it's a fucking video game, dumbass. Your support to do that. Making these jokes is not funny anymore. THEY ARE NOT. They just annoying.
I used to love your video's. Your nothing like Dorkly because you put real efforts into your videos and Dorkly have the same talents as Family Guy wititers. WHITCH ARE NONE. They used to be funny, but they stoped trying.
Pokemon sucks. So what else is there to be said?

This is better than most stupid clicker games.

This is a really good game... But maybe try finishing it.
I'm not joking, this is a good idea, but you should try finishing it.

When I saw that the characters were saying "cunt", I knew this took place in the UK.

My score was 740. To be honest, this was pretty fun. I can't belive you even made a game under a hour.

adriendittrick responds:

I actually made a lot of those!

HOW THE HELL DO I END MY TURN!? This game is unplayable.

The first fight is too long and boring. I can't be bother to even beat it.

I just love Mega man flash games that stay true to the Megaman game play.

WHAT!? NO! IT’S NOT LIKE THAT! IT WASN’T LIKE THAT! Fuck! I should have given it more connection! Jeff was gay! He would never want to do that! Unless he hates women. But still, if people think he made that art, people are gonna think I'm a fucking psycho that would fuck dead guys brains! I'm 100% sure he does that.
Who am I kidding? You said it like that because I deserve this. I was the true villain. I made fun at people doing things I thought was retarded and queer. I'm sorry.
Actually, fuck it. I don’t care. More people will see this art of that stupid fox and see her die. I need to make more gore of Chikin Nuggit!
Thanks for letting me be part of this collab. And all the reviews on the arts was funny.

Thetageist responds:


Aalasteir responds:

Thank you so much! If there's one evil entity that needs eternal torment it is Chikin Nuggit.

There is always space in hell for war criminals such as Slushi.

whimsical-wife responds:

kill chikin nugget collab when

Hi, I'm NoobClock666. I'm a mother fucker. I make my own stop motion puppets and drawings to fuck, shit up and stuff on the internet for the fun of it.

Age 20, Male

DUMBASS University

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