So I finally took photos of the city and it looks nice.
So we went to the communist Museum and it was cool learning about it. Looking at all the photos and items. My mom didn't want to go for some reason. Does she bleed history too? I should ask her.
I said to my sister, Shelly, that it was nice of them to give a stray dog a home and take it to space.
Shelly: "That dog is dead."
I like the telephone they had and the fake room of what a kid would live in. I forgot how they were free from communism.
I went into a toy store full of puppets but there was a no-touch sign… playing with them was the whole point of me wanting to go in there.. Well, it was still fun to look at.
Soon my whole family walked to a castle and watched a group of guards doing their routine. They remind me of royal guards from the UK. My sister Shelly jokes about them being failed actor students. She might be right because it’s better than working in a coffee shop. In the gift shop, they were selling 0 money for 100 crowns. Witch is 4 USA dollars. 4! It was easy for me to remember. I just need to think of Plants vs Zombies. 25 is one dollar, 50 is two dollars and so on and so on.
For dinner, my sisters, and uncle went to an Italian place. The food was good, but they charged us 6 dollars for water. 6! And I even asked for tap water! I don’t like paying for water. Tap water saves money for the customer and the restaurant too.
But the day was fine.
Oh, I had a coin bag, and it was open, so all the coins were in my jacket pocket.