Hi, I'm NoobClock666. I'm a mother fucker. I make my own stop motion puppets and drawings to fuck, shit up and stuff on the internet for the fun of it.

Age 20, Male

DUMBASS University

Your moms house.

Joined on 1/4/18

Exp Points:
23,201 / 23,490
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8.72 votes
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3y 1m 10d

NoobClock666's News

Posted by NoobClock666 - December 7th, 2023

I been working my ass off for this comic. I never knew drawing can be this fast in my PC.

My laptop was the worst for drawing or doing anything. If I keeled working on it on my laptop, I would have never get it done on time or ever finished it.

PC Master Race!



Posted by NoobClock666 - December 5th, 2023

5 days to make the comic...

I'm a little faster with drawing on my PC. I have one page to draw and I need to ink half of the comic.

How do you feel about Comic Sans in this comic? Because what other comic font is out there? I mean, it's called comic sans, so it should be use for comics.



Posted by NoobClock666 - December 5th, 2023

I was on vacation for Thanksgiving 10 days ago, but I forgot to tell everyone that I’m back home. I made a New SIN for Shorts and I made my first drawing with my new XP-PEN Artist 12. I love this thing so much, I feel like I can draw again like I never did with my old laptop. The title is “I’m Back” for another reason is that I’m back to drawing art better and faster, like I used to when my laptop wasn’t so slow and painful to draw on. I used my Pico Day winnings money on it BTW. So I hope that's a good investment. I have been spending a lot of money on comic books, but my cool older sister told me that it's okay because it's the time of the year when we're all not proud about spending. She buys a lot of clothes. That made me feel better about how bad I feel about myself.

Now I better talk about October or I never will. It was great, but I feel like I could have done more. I mean, what have I been doing?

I could have made more at of-

I don't want to say her name because I'm done simply for her until next year. 

I watched some cool horror movies like;

The FNAF movie

All the Saw movies and even Saw X

Evil Dead 2

The Thing from another world.

Killer Klowns From Outer Space

1954 Japan Godzilla

Halloween II 1981

And I think that’s all I can think of.

I also try to play a lot of Scream Fortress and Grave Deger.

 I’ve been trying to do so many things, but failing at all of them and only doing so little.

On Halloween Day and Night, I dress up as Billy the Puppet from Saw because I’m a gamer.

I gave out candy to Trick or Treaters, but I also set up simple games for them to play to win candy. If they lose, I still give them candy. 

But the first Trick or Treaters. I gave them a potato, canned food, and I don’t remember. Maybe a sock.

This group of Trickor Traders was really funny. I stack some cups and you have to throw the ball to knock them all down. But they just knocked them with their hand and just grabbed a handful of candy and ran away. It was funny. Soon I got bored got my laptop outside and played TF2.

And late at night, I watched Halloween 2.

So my October was still good, but I feel like I could be working on the Sweet 16 comic that month.

So why am I telling you all this now? I suck at time management, but I think that can change with my  XP-PEN Artist 12 because now I feel like I can do it.

Okay, I’m done with this blog post now. Oh, here are some doodles I made.



Not the best, but I will make better ones.



Posted by NoobClock666 - December 3rd, 2023

Wait, did I post yesterday?...


Posted by NoobClock666 - December 2nd, 2023

Starting now. Only 17 more to go.


Posted by NoobClock666 - November 26th, 2023


Joe: He actually says that?

Sanford: No, I think he was just ordering potatoes. like a douchebag.



Posted by NoobClock666 - November 25th, 2023

Here’s how my black Friday was

Me, my older sister, and my uncle went to a newly open comic book shop, where they had comics that were 65% off. SIXTY-FIVE PERCENT OFF!? What a fucking deal! And the comics they had. Someone took all the Watchmen single issues, but I still got issue 5, and I liked that one. So I got 13 comics for 19 dollars. Plus a mystery bag with a War Machine, and a Spiderman keychain that was 5 dollars. 


I have never gotten these many comics since Free Comic Book Day.

But I feel like I should have gotten one more comic. Another dear devil comic. I don’t like the number 13 because I’m dumb enough to believe that stuff. Also, I love Spiderman, but I also love Daredevil, Wolverine, and the Punisher. I should have gotten Daredevil 2019 #21, it had a cool cover. Hell, even a reprint of The Hulk 180 for 10 dollars. I only had one Detective comic, and I could have gotten a Wonder Woman or Hulk comic, so I wouldn't feel like a sexist. I only have one She-Hulk comic and I think maybe I should get more. Another superhero lawyer is sweet. I should get into Wonder Woman comics too. That was the only time I could get comics for cheap and all I got was an unlucky number of comics for 19 Dollars. That’s not even 20 dollars. 

But I should still be happy and THANKFUL for what I have. I’m just saying. I like Kiven Smiff and Garth Eniss. I even got a Watchmen comic. I wanted to see if they had the killing joke with the old colors. But no. I also got a Spiderman comic with Thor, and I never had a comic with Thor before. I thank my Uncle for taking us there. I'm the only person in the family that likes comics. My cool old brother likes manga and video games.

Btw, I got 4 other comics from a different comic shop days ago.

-All-star Comics Number 3 reprint

-Batman number 1 reprint

-Un canny Xmen  Days of Future Past part 1

Spiderman and Venom pens

And some Yugioh cards. I even got Reaper of the Cards. That was one of the two first Yugioh cards I ever got at a garage sale. But I sadly lost the old one. I’ll make sure not to let that happen again.

I love comic books. I’m not the biggest comic book collector. But I'm trying. This one comic shop was selling all 12 single issues of Watchmen and it was 100 dollars. Cheaper than what you can find online. My uncle told me it was not a good idea because I'm not rich and I should save my money. He didn't understand comics like I do. 

Wait, is there a Wonder Woman reprint like the Superman and Batman reprint? I'm too scared to look up on my laptop because it's old and slow as hell. Right now? I'm writing this part with my phone. I'll look it up. 

Wow, there is one from 11/07/2023. I don’t want to buy it online because I'll be paying for shipping. I hope I can find it in a comic shop. But it would take time because I don't have a car, but I do have a driver's license. Also if they don't have it, what do I do now? Oh yeah, I can just buy a cheap comic. I don’t go to comic shops that much because of my movies and art. Going to a comic shop is kind of rare. It's great.

Oh, I got my driver's license BTW, I barely passed, but I did it.

Holy crap I'm getting carried away. So yeah? My black Friday was great. But I'm not done yet, I still have time to buy online until I finish writing this. Okay, I'm done.



Posted by NoobClock666 - November 24th, 2023

 Hi everyone. I hope you've had a good Thanksgiving. It's not Xmas yet, so shut up.

I found out why my Drawing on my laptop wasn't working. I had too many layers on one file. AGAIN! I forgot this would happen. So I just need to have every page have its own file.  But should I still get a drawing screen tablet for my gaming PC? I mean, why is it so hard to find a simple answer? Black Friday is tomorrow, so I could use some ideas.

Anyway, I’m thankful for my friends and family. I'm thankful that I still have both my limbs. I'm grateful I live an okay life.

And I’m also thankful for all of YOU who liked my animations and art. 

I should post more on YouTube. Like, posting my art in the community thing that they have. I should do that. Hell, I have a lot of Newgrounds paper puppets posts here. So I should post them on YouTube.

Okay, I'm done writing right now. By, I should work on my comic.



Posted by NoobClock666 - November 23rd, 2023

Making art or doing anything with my Laptop is getting harder and pointless.

When I use FireAlpaca, the undo button dosn’t work for a moment and I’m stuck with the pet tool. So I would have to get out of FireAlpaca and start it back up again. And soon it happens again. Another problem is that it’s hard making circles. When I try, it sometimes make stright lines. Maybe I should finnly get a screen drawing tablet. But what do I get? 

I hate time. Time sucks. It not even real, but it’s still useful. 

Also, when I get back, I will make a new Sin for Shorts animation.

Here’s a drawing of a youtuber roasting white cubes on my crapy laptop that is one fire.





Posted by NoobClock666 - November 22nd, 2023

I got Fire Alpaca to work. I just needed the right old one.

Here's the first page of My comic Normal Boy.


Look at me! I'm making a comic! YES! Only 15 more to go. I need to post blogs every day. Until I get board or something. I'm visiting my Grandmother so it might slow things down. But I'm still having a nice time with my family.
