I got back from the airport on 6/9/2024. I felt like shit with being back in my time zone and not sleeping, so I just smile and laughed the pain away. My older brother and his girlfriend (I FORGOT HER NAME. So I’m going to call her Dorothea) picked us up and drove us home. In the car ride, my mom talked about why she didn’t like Turkey. She thought the country was going to be full of beautiful scenery and art, but it’s full of scammers, annoying people who talk to you to come to eat at their restaurants, rip-offs, markets that sell the same thing, things that you could buy for cheap at Cosco, and so many stray cats. But I still enjoy Turkey, I love the food and all the stray cats. Every time we see one, me and my sister will yell out CAT! And we take a photo of it, every time. And we sometimes pet them. My sisters even picked them up, and our mom would yell at us. And the cats even come in the stores. But I didn’t like that they don’t give out tap water and only bottled water. What’s so hard about filling a glass of tap water from the sink? OH! We went to Turkey too. Fuck, I’m getting off-topic again.
I’m back and now I’m going to work on my Madness Day movie. But I haven't done a good job blogging about my holiday. Would anyone want to hear about it? If yes, I’ll write them all and post them.
I should also post on YouTube more.
I should also finish cleaning my room so I can get it missy again when making my movie.