Hi, I'm NoobClock666. I'm a mother fucker. I make my own stop motion puppets and drawings to fuck, shit up and stuff on the internet for the fun of it.
And Chikn Nuggit fucking sucks!

Age 21, Male

DUMBASS University

Your moms house.

Joined on 1/4/18

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NoobClock666's News

Posted by NoobClock666 - February 5th, 2021





Posted by NoobClock666 - January 1st, 2021

It’s the year 2021! You know what that means!

Reruns of Sealab 2021 for Adult Swim. This is a big opportunity. They're gonna do it and I’m gonna binge watch that shit when it comes out..

Anyways, you all know about 2020.

YOU: “ yeah it sucked. ”

No… it fucking sucks.

Anyways, I only made 4 new movies this year, well 5 if you count that movie newgrounds deleted… which was a good decision on their part. I thought it was the funnest thing I ever made.

But I made 30 artworks this year and I think I really improved for these years of sucking. 

This was the same year I made a youtube channel that I’m not using and a twitter account, and I posted an drawing of Pike from Pikes lagoon, with a sexy body, I thought @JacobLenstar was going to block me from twitter forever, but it turns out he liked it, AND A LOT OF PEOPLE LIKED IT.

The time that I’m writing this, I made a warhammer Space Marine, it only has 279 views, 20 Total engagements, 5 profile clicks and  6 likes. Not bad, right?


But the pike porn has 6,898 views, 1,402 Total engagements, 6 reteets, and 64 likes. It really shows you all you need to do is draw pron. 


I don’t know if I should keep doing it but I still want to make movies and use my own made up characters.

Speaking of that. I have two made up characters called Doodle and Noodle, and I finally use them.

They're not original characters because they're not original, they're made up. BIG DIFFERENCE! Another difference is OC’s start out in an art drawing with





Credit Card Number:

All that Bio crap. That’s not a good way to introduce a oc. A better reason is if you're making an oc for a movie, game or book/comic. Make that first and then and show people the bio on your website or wiki. People don’t care about your OC’s but you do. you want to make them care. So make the comic first. 

But there’s other ways to do it.

I did that by making a “Kids” book with bad words. And it was a Fucking failure. Do I regret drawing it?...

It did take longer than it needed to be. But I liked drawing Doodle and Noodle. But I could have done something better with them. But at least I finally use them for something.

So now in 2021, I’m not going to make a lot of stop motion movies. Because I’m going to be working on a project that is going to be big… I hope.

What is this big project you ask?

YOU: “ I didn’t ”

Well I’m glad you didn’t because I can’t tell you.

YOU: “ Oh… So what’s the fucking point of this if your not going to tell me. Here’s an art tip! How about finishing something before announcing it.  ”

Oh… never mind. 

I’m also thinking about making my own website. But I’m not talking about the ones that are bland and boring with nothing but likes to youtube and twatter.

I want to make a website that is FUN! Do you remember thoses old 2000’s flash website where there’s movies, games, art, blogs, and a lot of stupid shit. I want to give that excitement of exploring a website, the way I felt when I was a young lad in the 2000s.

Also with ads because I want to make some money on there, but I found out that you need to be 18 to use google ads… so yeah.

Lastly I just want to publicly apologize for what I said about smash bros in this movie. 

I don’t hate that game anymore. I just hate splatoon.

YOU: “ yeah… we don’t really care. ”

Ok. good

I hope you’ll all have a better year than me. And I hope this coronavirus blows over in 2021...


You guys are BADASS.


Posted by NoobClock666 - November 20th, 2020

Shalom my Noobs!

I'm here to waste your time by telling you about my new Youtube Channel.

You may remember my old one and I made a lot of regrettable decisions. I was a piece of shit back then. 

YOU: “ and you're still a piece of shit today. ”

But I change and I’m going to make some videos with quality...when I say quality, I mean memes.

And I’ll upload my Newgrounds movies to Youtube.

Here’s a link to my first video with new animation.



Posted by NoobClock666 - September 5th, 2020

Shalom my jews! I know I haven’t made a new movie in a fucking long time, but I have been working my ass off on a new movie for madness day, and it’s going to be another crossover.


You: “ what’s up with you with crossovers?  ”

The best crossovers are ones no one asks for, and the ones when they fight.

Not like smash bros.

You: “ Smash bros was a good crossovers ”

Yeah, but they don’t do anything cool with that. They just make them fight for no fucking reson.

You: “ your making madness day movie about idiots fighting for no fucking reason! ”

but smash bros is just a kirby game with other characters. And this movie has an interesting story.

You: “ why in every madness movie, you bitch about smash? ”

I only made 2 madness day movies. And don’t worry, this movie has nothing to do with SMASH.

Anyways, I don’t want to give more information.

I just want to say it’s coming out and on madness day on september 22, so I hope you get your dicks hard when you see it.

And it’s going to have 

-new and improved puppets

-24 frames per second. 

-beautiful backgrounds out of paper and other shit

-dumb humor

-and klay


-and lots of klay

-that might be a little gay

-*Honk honk*

And when I was making this, it was pride month, so keep an eye on some gay jokes.

Here are some photos.





Oh my konami! Look how better I got. 

That’s all I’m going to show.

And I can’t wait to see all of your madness movies too.



Posted by NoobClock666 - August 30th, 2020

Shalom My Jews!

I made this short movie called “ I’m jew ”

It’s where I came out as a jew.

But when I wanted to see it again, it was gone.


I’m not mad. I’m just confused. 

But why? I didn’t do anything wrong. and they never told me why.

You: “ you were making fun at jew. You racist fuck. ”

I wasn’t! I was giving them a compliment. And I even punched hitter in the dick.

You: “ what about the gay poeple. ”

I wasn’t making fun of them too.

And now I want to make a repeating joke of the blue hair gay guy, and the red truck, AND NO ONE IS GOING TO UNDERSTAND THAT!

The joke was, that gay guy will thrwo a red truck at a Pacific person; I’ll call him Kevin.

And he gets crushed by the red truck, and the gay guy explodes. 

That was funny to be. So I want to keep doing it, but I can’t.

it was really clever.

You: “ was it. ”

YES! And I don’t know where it is in my laptop and I don’t know how to get it back.

And I can’t upload it again, because I don’t have it and it would be called spamming.

And I don’t hate jews or gays.

I don’t. It was a joke. Only a joke, and nothing but a joke, I think was funny.

I liked that movie. I really like it. 

What should I do?

Posted by NoobClock666 - August 3rd, 2020

Shalom My Jews! I would like to say that I’m going to change my Newgrounds name to NoobJew666.

Noob, because I suck at games. Jew, because I’m in a Christian family, even those I don’t practice both of the religion . And 666, because I’m 5 and I like Devil and Zombies.

You: “ do you even believe in god? ”

I like to call him Jimmy, and no, I don’t believe in jimmy.

You: “ that means you're not really jew or a Christian. ”

But people call himself made up genders, and they don’t get shit. #PlzDon'tKillMe

So what's so bad about being a jew if you don’t believe in Jimmy or think the devil is cool?

But if Jimmy is real, then I’m going to heck withdouble hockey dicks.

You: “ gross. ”

Anyway, I want to change my name because the one I have is boring, and makes it easy for people to find me, IN THE INTERNET, NOT IN REAL LIFE. a woman likes a guy who is anonymous.

So I'll change it on 8/7/2020.

You: “ why not do it right now? ”

I want my fans to know I’m changing it so they won't get confused.

For now on, call me Jew...NoobJew666. * HONK HONK *

Follow me on twitter.




Posted by NoobClock666 - June 4th, 2020

Shalom my jews!

I’m here to do the 6 fan art challenge, I know I’m a little too late for this, but I want to do it right.

So you know how this works, just give me 6 characters and I’ll draw them. But I can’t draw the characters from last time.

Soo… yeah.

If i don’t get 6 cheaters, I won’t do this And I’ll just do another rule 34, 6 fan art.

Just tell me what to draw, and I’ll do it.

Edit: I forgot to say you guys have untill 6/8/ 2020 to tell me what to draw.




Posted by NoobClock666 - December 31st, 2019

HAPPY 2020! Unless your Chinese.

 Hay, that’s the year of that old cartoon show, sealab 2020.

Do you remember that show because I don’t. But I do remember sealab 2021.

And it’s going to be 2021, so [adult swim] should play reruns of that shit again. 

Anyways, I have been on Newgrounds for 2 years and I have no ragrets. actually I might regret it later because being an animator is a fucking nightmare, but I’m still doing it.

olution that they are most likely going to break in a week and get disappointed. I think my New Year's revolution last year was is be better at animation and I think I’m a little better when I started. I could have made more movies but it was close enough.

In 2020 I’m going to try to make more art And I’m going to try to make “original” stuff, as you see, most of my movies and art are parodies of other genres and I want to make somthing my own, but I will still make parodies.

And I’m going to try to use my “made up characters”, And they not “original characters", they are made-up character, big big difference “original characters” are made by stupid sonic fans from deviantART, made-up characters are made by idiots... like me.

Anyways, my made-up characters are called doodle an-

Doodle and Noodle: “ Your dick is in a Poodle!!! ”

KONAMI DAM IT! Too early!

Doodle: “ really? ”

Noodle: “ I told you we should have waited a little longer. ”

Get back in the box and try it again.

Noodle: " but there's no air holes! "

Doodle: " ha ha ha. hole. "

Noodle: “ Shut up! Were not tank men! ”


* Doodle and Noodle get in the box *

Anyways... my made-up characters are called doodle and noodle.


Doodle and noodle?


Doodle: “ you dick is in a Poodle! ”

Noodle: “ too late, you fucked it up ”

Doodle: “ I fucked it up? ”

Fight Fight Fight!!

You: “ wait, who the fuck are these idiots? ”

Doodle: “ I’m Doodle! The lovable moron! ” 🤪

Noodle: “ I'm the straight guy who is forced to deal with the moron bull shit. ” 🤪

Doodle: “ and we are BBF! ” ❤❤❤

Noodle: “ don’t say it like that. ” 😒

You: “ and what the hell is dick in a poodle? ”

Doodle: “ it’s our catchphrase when people say our names! It’s funny! ”🤪

Noodle: “ we are terrible at rhyming and it was his idea “

You: “ are you guys SpongeBob and Patrick or every fucking cartoon Dynamic Duos ever made? ”

That’s why they are not “original characters” because this made been gun to death but never gets old.

You: “ and what are they going to do in 2020? ”

Doodle: “ make jokes about jews. ”

Noodle: “ HAY! ” 😡

I might make a movie about them or a book but for now they are going to be in blogs or reviews.

I have been making sentences on newground with the reader being involved with in a real fake conversation, like this, and it’s fun to write as it is to read. It all started in a stupid review I made in Smash Bros Collab on January 1, 2019 and it was stupid long but a lot of poeple like/hate it.

so Doodle and Noodle will do just that.

You: “ but what do they look like. ”

I’ll show you later, but for now it's up to the imagination. It’s kind of fun when you use your imagination.

There handcuff together.

Anyways, I want to thank @Zhon for helping me know about the rules on Newgrounds and I want to thank @Tango454 for… I don’t know what he did but I want to thank him for being a friend.

And I want to thank all of you for reading this watching my movies.

I hope you all have a kick ass year in 2020.



Posted by NoobClock666 - November 27th, 2019






Posted by NoobClock666 - September 3rd, 2019

On 8/13/2019 my neighbor wanted me to give his dog a bath, so my other older sister wanted to help me but the dog moving and I was having a hard time but my other sister doesn't care so we got into an argument and I yelled at her, and she got so triggered like a feminazi. She called me mean and gave me a boring conversation that was retarded, so I started saying rude things to her true, but things got worst.

YOU: “ you have another sister? How many sisters do you have?! ”

Only 2. 1 is bad enough but 2 sisters is the same thing as living with the kardashians.

YOU: “ is that a bad thing? ”

It’s a fucking nightmare!!! And my other sister is a-

YOU: “ fucking bitch. ”

How did you know? It looks like someone has been keeping up with the kardashians. And that show fucking sucks.

YOU: “ have you ever watched it.  ”

…no… but I still hate it.

Anyways, my other sister is more like the people on Tumblr that have too much sand in their vagina and get triggered to everything, that’s my other sister in a nutshell.


I don’t want to say her real name because I want to keep everybody on Newgrounds safe from her. So I’m going to call her TumblerFanGirl. 

OR CUNT! For short.

YOU: “ HAY! Watch it! ”

Fine, I’ll call her TumblerFanGirl.

YOU: “ good ”

But CUNT is an accurate.

Anyways, TumblerFanGirl and SonicFanGirl basically the same, probably because that twins.

YOU: “ which is the evil one? ”

I don’t like using the word evil to describe my sisters, I like to use bitch.

And there both sons of  bitches!

YOU: “ should it be called daughters of a hoe? ”

🤣ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!!!

YOU: “ 🤣ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!!! ”

Don’t say crap about my parents. Say crap about my sisters. And tell your friends

other bad things about TumblerFanGirl is she’s a hypocrite, a smart ass, lazy, a fucking caybaby boring, AND... A FUCKING BITCH!!!!!!!!!!

YOU: “ you said that so many times. ”

she hates her life so much, I don’t give a shit anymore because she’s not the only one that has problems, she's a miserable and ungrateful BI-

YOU: “ I get it! You hate her and she hates her life. I kinda feel bad for her. maybe she's the real victim and your an asshole. ”

I’m a dick, and she’s been my sister for a long time and I’m sick of it. I used to feel sad for her and I wanted to help her to be happy but my empathy is slowly dying like this website.


newgrounds isn't dying. But my respect for my sister is already dead.

YOU: “ I know your sisters don’t go on newgrounds, BUT one day she will find this blog and murder you. And you can’t talk about your real life to strangers that don’t give a two bags of shit or want to fuck you with asking your permission.  ”

🤪 she hates my movies and hate reading my stuff so I have nothing to worry about!!!!! 

YOU: “ Tumblr is dying and when it's dead forever, the users are going to come here. And guess who else is coming here ”

The Chinese? I always knew that they were going to take over America.

YOU: “ NO YOU FUCKING IDIOT! Your sister!  “


She’s going to kick my ass! What are we going to do!?

YOU: “ what is this WE bullshit!? Me, is making a war bunker and wait until the Tumblr Invasion blows over. Your on your own. See you in hell. ”

Wait! Don’t leave! I still need your help!

I still care about my sisters. Some time she’s a really good person but some time she’s-

YOU: “ a fucking bitch, how many times I have to tell you I get it, your sisters are Beyond repair, there nothing I can do. Know shut up and get ready for the invasion. ” 

I know this blog was pointless and a waste of time but plz tell me what should I do with my sister?
