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I'm not good at math. So if it cost $400,000 to shoot the mini gun for 12 seconds, he must had use it for 144 seconds... but that would be $1,638,400,000.
Still not good at math.

This reminds me when my dad would go to the store late at night when I was wee. You just nail that style of the 2000s. Just nailed it.

I don't watch Parks and Rec... but I should now.
If there ever gonna be a new Mario Show, it should just be like this.

Thanks pain! I'll donate my dead body to a rapist too.

Seeing him go to that painted wall of people really made me feel so sad for him. More then I already am. He’s just lonely.
You truly made an impact 20 years ago.

No gore? BOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cybermare is like a cool gamer older sister, telling HER idiot younger sibling about the problems of a video game company, but immediately comforting them and apologizing to them for going a little too far with their option. That reminds me of my older brother. He was very strict with gaming and wanted things to be perfect. I also find it cute that Manon hugs the pillow and not Cybermare because they know she doesn't like to be touched.
TF2 will forever be an ageless peek of teamwork gaming and funny-as-hell memes. You did one hell of a great job explaining it. I love learning the history of this game, even if I know it already.
And once again, you make a good point without sounding annoying and preachy. I enjoy Cybermare and Manon. This video was worth the wait. Just like how TF2 had a long development time to be good.

The key is to download old programs, so no one would care. Great song and a beautiful old computer animation style.

Adult Swim was founded by Hannah Barbara. GREAT JOB!

This game is boring. What was I supposed to do? There's no goal, so how is this fun?
That's what I thought until I found the knife and started killing everyone. And I learn that this game was amazing.

Hi, I'm NoobClock666. I'm a mother fucker. I make my own stop motion puppets and drawings to fuck, shit up and stuff on the internet for the fun of it.

Age 20, Male

DUMBASS University

Your moms house.

Joined on 1/4/18

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