I love the part when the two girls kiss, that was so cute
I love the part when the two girls kiss, that was so cute
Poptart wins because Toaster Strudel sucks
Double D's!
happy birthday!
his bday is passed,still meaningful for ya to said this
This was a great movie!!!
It was so funny and the animations was cool! The people that help made this are so talented but there’s one thing I hate about this movie.
Plz don't be offended of this, it's not the animators fault, this did so good to make this movie, the music, the art, the sense of humor, this movie was a big adventure, I had to finish watching this movie. It was so fucking funny! But! Like I said there’s one thing I really hate about this movie and it makes it a big problem.
The thing I hate about the movie is smash bros.
I hate “super smash bros ”.
YOU: “What the fuck did you said, bitch!!??“
calm down, let me explain-
YOU: “NO! What the hell is wrong with you!? Why do you hate this badass game!?”
I will tell you if you let me exp-
YOU: “is it because Rayman or Geno are not in it? You should be happy of what you get in this game. You need to get over it!”
I’m not mad because they are not in it. In fact I’m happy that Rayman or Geno are not in it.
YOU: “what?”
What I want to tell you is-
YOU: “what!?”
This game makes no fucking sense! why are the nintendo characters together and why are they fighting!?
YOU: “I don’t know?”
You don’t know because they never tell us and there’s no story mode!
capcom vs marvel had a good story
model kombat had a good story
But smash bros doe’s not have a good story
YOU: “hay! There is a story mode!”
No there’s not.
YOU: “yes there a story mode and it is called World of light! ”
If “World of light” is a story mode, the story is dog shit.
What the fuck is going on in World of light!
And I’m happy that all characters in that game died! I don’t care about the characters in this game because there nothing to care about. But do I care about Snake and Simon because I fucking love konami.
I like Mario, Luigi, Megaman, ,Liitle mac, Captain Falcon, Lucario, Duck hunt, Fox, Ganon, but they are not the same characters in smash bros.
YOU: “I found out why they are fighting why they are fighting! ”
Tell me.
YOU: “but, if I’m right about this game not sucking you have to say your stupid. ”
OK, but if I’m right, you have to say smash bros ultimate is stupid.
YOU: “all the characters in this game are all dolls and they all come to life by master hand to fight for fun. ”
What. what? What!? What the fuck was that!? That’s fucking awful! That made me hate this game and the fake characters even more!!
YOU: “...”
YOU: “but-”
Butts are for pooping!
Tell me I’m right!
YOU: “NO! Super smash bros ultimate is the best game of all time and if you don’t like it then EAT SHIT BITCH!”
It’s my opinion and you can’t be mad at me.
But there’s a game on Newgrounds that is more like smash bros but with better stories it’s called Newgrounds Rumble.
YOU: “I know that game, it’s cool but not as good at smash bros ”
I know that but “Newgrounds Rumble” has better and interesting characters that we care about and love.
YOU: “but everyone is here in this game! All the characters we love are in it!”
You forgot they are not the same characters. They have no free will. They are made to fight and only fight. We don’t care for them because they are not the same characters.
The Mario and luigi that are in this game are not the same characters in super mario bros. They fight and die, they fight and die that’s all they do. The characters are not interesting in smash bros.
In Newgrounds Rumble the characters has stories and endings that show why they are fighting.
YOU: “but in Madness Combat the characters are psychos and do nothing but kill but people like that ”
I know that and I love Madness Combat too but the characters in Madness Combat has a real story and a reason to do what they do.
They are mad. They are all mad that’s why it’s called Madness Combat.
“no regret no remorse no reason only madness” That the point of Madness Combat but there no point in smash bros. In a may there’s no point to play smash bros.
YOU: “I can't believe I’m going to say this but your right, this game is stupid.”
I know I’m right.
YOU: “but if the game is stupid Why do people play this game?!”
Because it’s fun to play
In fact I played this game with my sisters and her friend,
It is a fun game
The girls in that are hot as hell
The another thing I like about smash bros ultimate is I can play as Mario and fight Inklings because the Inklings looks like mario enemies.
YOU: “WHAT!? If you like to play this game but why did you say you hate it!?”
A long time ago when I was a little kid, I fucking love smash bros. It was awesome to play. You can play was fake characters. but when I grow up and now I know that this game is stupid but it’s fun to play.
But I’m still saying I hate it
YOU: “so everything you just said about the game was pointless!!!! This was so long to read and you just waste my fucking time asshole! I’m never going to get that back! I can be TomFulp and I can banned your ass from newgrounds forever!”
No it was not. I was telling you the big problems with smash bros
I don’t hate the game, i just hate what the game is all about.
Love the movie
Plz don’t banned me! If you want I will remove this review. tell me when and I will do it
Omg I haven't laughed that hard in so long thank you honestly
never change
This just made my week
I wish i could pin reviews
No one else needs to leave a review on the collab anymore.
You're the best. Great review.
this was a cute first actual flash animation
this was so fast and cool but I don't like when people put "to be continued" and they don't continued.
This movie is over 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this looks so bad
you should not use goanimate
I'm still using goanimate bro
Hi, I'm NoobClock666. I'm a mother fucker. I make my own stop motion puppets and drawings to fuck, shit up and stuff on the internet for the fun of it.
And Chikn Nuggit fucking sucks!
Age 21, Male
DUMBASS University
Your moms house.
Joined on 1/4/18