There are two types of superhero stories with the title “Powerless”. Dc Powerless and Marvel Powerless. DC Powerless is a failed comedy show about normal people in a superhero world working in a company that helps with damages with the battles. I only saw the pilot and I thought it was… okay.
But what I’m going to talk about is Marvel Powerless, by Matt Cherniss and Peter Johnsonand, and Michael Gaydos as penciller, Lee Loughridge as colorist, Alex Maleev as cover artist, Axel Alonso as editor, and Joe Quesada as Editor-in-Chief.
It’s about a world with the Marvel characters as normal people. No powers. Some idiot might think-
Idiot: “A superhero story without superheroes? That’s gay.“
But keep an open mind. What made you love the characters are still there. It’s not a world if none of the characters didn’t get their powers or backstory didn’t happen. It’s a story that’s more based on the real world.
Peter didn’t get bitten by a radioactive spider. But he did get bitten by a spider that made his other arm useless. That’s what got me hooked in that it still happens.
Matt is still blind (that sucks), but no over-the-top abilities. But he still has no fear.
Logan is still a dick. But no healing factor. But he still has claws. Just fake ones. Kind of like the ones he was going to have in his first appearance in a Hulk comic. Dr. David Banner is still a doctor but in a mental hospital with some anger issues.
The real story is about a Psychologist who wakes up from a 3-day coma. But in his coma where he dreams of the Marvel world that we all know. The Psychologist helps three people with problems that are hard to overcome with them thinking they are Powerless.
What got me to read this comic is that Peter, Matt, and Logan were on the cover, and they were all a team called The Confederacy of Dunces, where their goal was to catch Frank Castle because hea the punisher written by the dick of all asshole of comic books, Garth Eniss. Writer for The Boys and that one Punisher comic where he killed everyone, which is how I read both of them.
Also, I had this stupid idea for a comic about combining Onori and Marvel. Omori is a JRPG video game about a “hikikomori”, a loser that stays in his room all day and faps to porn on his laptop. It’s based on a webcomic about a loser who… stays in his room all day and faps to porn on his laptop. It’s a great comic. And the game is good too and best played blinding, But there’s this place called head space, a dream world where most of the gameplay is in. It sucks. It's boring. It’s all colorful and crap only my older sister would enjoy. And anything my sister enjoys, I hate or don’t give a shit. She likes crap like:
Kirby. So easy, it’s boring. Fly over the enemies like a pussy
Pokémon. Cock fighting for kids with a dog shit anime that lasted too long. But good porn of the humans and monsters.
Sonic. The most autistic game series But Boobs the Bat has nice Boobs.
Splatoon. Needs Mario and Flood to be completed.
My Little Donkeys. I’m racist… to HORSES.
I like games that are more realistic… like Lisa the Painful. Honk Honk. And games showing the fucked up parts of our world.
Omori Headspace just sucks. BUT THAT'S THE POINT.
This game has two parts: the dream world and the real world. And the real world is so much better than the stupid dream world. It’s real. The writing is good and the gameplay is funny. Don’t let Headspace scare you off, speed run it and get to the really good part. The Story is really good.
Anyways, my dumb idea for a comic was to have Frank as the shut-in hikikomori, that faps to GORE porn on his laptop in his room all day. SOMETHING happens to him and he goes to this dreamland where he beats up all the superheroes he doesn’t like; Spiderman, Daredevil, and Wolverine. But he goes into the real world and tries to fix his friendship with Peter, Logan, and Matt. In the original comics, they were not friends, but they are in my idea. And the dream world won’t suck because it’s the Marvel world.
Back to the main point. If you are a Marvel fan, you should give it a read. Knowing who the characters are before then, will help you enjoy this more. It’s not boring. It’s a good story. Don’t watch a stupid YouTube video explaining the comic to you. Read it, you pussy.
I give this Comic an… 8/10? Yeah, that’s far.
Also Omori, 9/10.