People are so fucking stupid. They’re useless most of the time and they are hypocritical bastards. They think I’m overreacting? They are the ones being cunts in the first place. And I need to listen to them talk about bulltshit and wasting my time? And they get all pissed off when I call them out to them? When they think I’m rude for not wanting to talk to them when this pointless argument is pointless? And when I have a problem and I need to ask for… “help”. It’s a gamble if they are gonna make it worse. And when they are being all pissed about it, and I want them to stop, they keep trying to “help”, even if I want them to stop if it’s making them angry. When I ask someone to stop helping, they should stop. And they think I’m a dick about it? They are the ones being a dick. Fuck asking for help. Especially from family members.
I “read” The Metamorphosis adutio book and what I got was that family members are fucking useless. The main character, Gregor Samsa, is turn into a fucking bug, family didn’t even try to take him to a doctor or scientist to try to fix him.
Spoiler, he dies as a bug and his family doesn’t give two shits that he’s dead. They happy about the big stung beetle is dead, and they don’t even reminder Gregor name. I think the book is public domain, so my new ending is the whole family gets turn into bugs. Karma for being assholes.
Sorry. My day was not good. My PC is stuck in a infinite boot loop and asking for help from my family was pointless and made them mad at me.
You are not alone. I know exactly how that feels.