So I'm in this class and I need to post some photos there. I was going to upload my homework, but it won't let me because it can only take JPEN... THE SHIT I'M UPLADING ARE JPEN FILES! WHAT THE FUCK!!!??? Also, I forgot to add something in the photos, so I need to take them again. I'm not showing the school work because I want to keep my real life a secret. I guess I'll just upload it as a PDF because they also take that.
BTW, I'm working on the LISA: The Campfire Collab by @Spinalpalm, but it's taking too fucking long to even finish a puppet. So that's why there's no new SIN For Shorts. And 've been drawing an art piece of the Watchmen characters, but also the Charlton Characters and that's taking a long time.
I FUCKING HATE TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I really like Watchmen.
Jpen? you mean jpeg?
I mean JPEG. I allways use Google docs to write my blogs, but this time, I just type it in here. And auto correct is not working.
That what sucks about the Program grammarly, it just doesn't work sometimes. I just wanted to get this blog done.